- Wimzzi

Discover them on Wimzzi


Category(ies): Adult textiles,Textiles, leathers and fashion,Textiles and baby items,Textiles and children's items,Costume jewelry,Luxury items: jewelry, watches, and perfume,Adult accessories

boite de petri

Category(ies): Luminaires,Art and stationery,Other,Engravings & Print,Print,Engraving


Category(ies): Textiles, leathers and fashion

Label(s): eco-friendly

Bonheur d'Intérieur

Category(ies): Decoration,Small furniture and interior decoration,For the room,For the kitchen,Tableware & table art,Ceramics,Decoration,Gardens,Small furniture

Label(s): eco-friendly,Local sourcing

Book Art Brussels

Category(ies): Sculpture,Small furniture and interior decoration,Decoration,For the room